Uber Class Action 集体诉讼扩展至全澳范围,最后登记赔偿机会


Uber Class Action 集体诉讼优步扩展至全澳范围,最后登记赔偿机会

By (Louis Ng), 吳啟揚

March 20, 2019


请于本周五2019年3月29日前在 https://classaction.mauriceblackburn.com.au/uber 注册。



注册是成本和无风险的。在此过程中,您永远不会被要求支付费用; 我们的案子已经全额资助。


如果您来自维多利亚并且您已经注册,则无需再进行任何操作。对于其他人,通过在线表格注册您的兴趣或了解更多信息。联系我们:1800 291 047

Uber class action expands across Australia

Please register by Friday 29 March 2019 on https://classaction.mauriceblackburn.com.au/uber

Maurice Blackburn is conducting a class action against Uber on behalf of participants in the taxi, hire-car, limousine and charter vehicle industry. If your business has suffered due to Uber’s operations, this case will give you the chance to recover some losses.

The action now covers drivers, licence owners and operations in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. In addition to Victoria.

Registration is cost and risk free. You will never be asked to contribute costs out of your own pocket along the way; our case is already fully funded.

The case is open to those who were licenced to operate in these states during the following times:

If you’re from Victoria and you’ve already registered, you don’t need to do anything further. For everyone else, to register your interest via an online form or find out more information. Contact us on: 1800 291 047


骗取用户推荐uber 司机,用各种理由搪塞不给推荐费, 最后还把系统记录删掉, 罪加一等:

据爆料, 一读者朋友推荐司机给uber ,其账户一直显示有 400 刀的推荐费,就是不下来。 然后截图找uber (背)交涉沟通,后面这条记录居然消失了!原来是竹篮打水一场空,都是骗人的把戏,不仅仅欺骗了朋友, 还浪费了很多的时间和uber 交涉。唉😔用点脑子呀!给人骗了还替别人数钱!