
澳大利亚 – 波音777引擎坠落吓坏人 波音吁全球停飞部分客机 | 澳洲唐人街

By HK01

February 23, 2021

United Airlines Boeing 777 lands safely in Denver after engine failure https://t.co/6yJGLtnKXE pic.twitter.com/TRAWWYl6tq

— Reuters (@Reuters) February 21, 2021

美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)一架使用普惠(Pratt & Whitney)引擎的波音777型客机右侧引擎出现故障后,美国波音公司(Boeing)2月21日呼吁全球停飞配备普惠特定型号引擎的777型客机。

Engine failure on Boeing 777 United aircraft. Plane took off from Denver and returned safely in 20 minutes. Engine parts fell soon after take off. Pilots flew the aircraft back safely. Look at the engine, it’s hardly in shape. pic.twitter.com/gByQ9Sj85q

— Nagarjun Dwarakanath (@nagarjund) February 21, 2021


JUST IN: Denver International Airport officials tell us United Airlines Flight 328 bound for Honolulu returned to the airport after an engine problem. Neighbors heard a loud boom, took these photos of what look like Boeing 777 engine nacelle in their yards. pic.twitter.com/mklpz3VG4F

— Pete Muntean (@petemuntean) February 20, 2021

美国波音客机引擎故障:图为美国科罗拉多州(Colorado)布鲁姆菲尔德警察局(Broomfield Police)2月20日在Twitter上发布的图片,显示当地一间房屋前有一个大型引擎舱碎片。(Twitter@BroomfieldPD)


United Airlines Boeing 777 operating as flight 328 flying from Denver – Honolulu suffered a serious engine failure on takeoff.

It made an emergency landing and everyone is ok.

Check out these pieces of the engine falling from the sky…pic.twitter.com/1IyBj6Nlf2

— Rex Chapman (@RexChapman) February 20, 2021

United Airlines Boeing 777 makes an emergency landing in Denver after its engine exploded mid-flight https://t.co/J6AmDWIGdW

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 21, 2021


波音负面新闻近日一连两宗。一架波音747货机20日在荷兰出现类似意外,2人轻伤。一架波音747-400型货机21日从荷兰马斯特里赫特(Maastricht )出发,原定前往纽约甘乃迪国际机场(JFK Airport),但起飞不久引擎起火,之后转降比利时列日机场(Liege Airport)。


英国广播公司(BBC)称,联合航空及日本两大航空公司已停用62部飞机,大韩韩空(Korean Air)称有6部停飞。


