
澳大利亚 – 贺锦丽为何以两本圣经宣誓?背后寓意成长经历 | 澳洲唐人街

By 中央社

January 24, 2021

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take their oaths of office on Wednesday using Bibles that are laden with personal meaning, writing new chapters in a long-running American tradition – and one that appears nowhere in the law.​ https://t.co/dHQi4i9lLZ

— ABC 7 Chicago (@ABC7Chicago) January 20, 2021

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)在周三宣誓就职,他们使用的圣经载有个人含义。拜登的家庭圣经自1893年以来一直是家庭传家宝,他的已故儿子博在宣誓就职时也曾用过这本圣经。

Vice President #KamalaHarris took her oath of office Wednesday morning, cementing her status as both the first woman and person of color to hold the nation’s second-highest office.

Harris was sworn in on a pair of Bibles. #America https://t.co/B0xTNHZP1p

— … to the edge (@TiknisArts) January 20, 2021


美国正副总统就职时手按圣经宣誓,为开国总统华盛顿(George Washington)就职时立下的不成文传统。

美国新任副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)今天就职时以两本圣经宣誓,一本是酒红色封皮、另一本为黑色封皮,背后有不言而喻的代表意义。

酒红色封皮圣经是她之前宣誓就职为加州总检察长和参议员时使用过的同一本,来自她成长阶段的邻居谢尔顿(Regina Shelton)。


“We do not acknowledge & reward the special place Black aunties hold in developing & sustaining Black families & Black communities.”

As we celebrate VP Kamala Harris, we must celebrate Regina Shelton & all Black aunties who pour love & purpose into us. https://t.co/RNFkGjYXf3 pic.twitter.com/4JwiPt06c1

— MadameNoire (@MadameNoire) January 20, 2021

加州圣荷西(San Jose)「信使新闻」(The Mercury News)报导,谢尔顿对贺锦丽来说像是第二个母亲。贺锦丽幼时成长于旧金山湾区西柏克莱(West Berkeley),当她的单亲妈妈戈巴兰(Shyamala Gopalan)因癌症研究工作晚回家时,谢尔顿帮忙照顾贺锦丽和她妹妹,两家人亲如一家。


由贺锦丽丈夫任德龙(Doug Emhoff)手持、贺锦丽按压宣誓的两本圣经中,另一本黑色封皮为美国最高法院首位非裔大法官马歇尔(Thurgood Marshall)所有,寓意贺锦丽亚非裔血统和在司法界的历练。

生于纽约的犹太裔任德龙成为美国历史上首位「第二先生」,他与贺锦丽是在相亲中认识,2014年结婚,对贺锦丽的政治工作非常支持。根据哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网(CBS News),任德龙已辞去律师事务所职务,将在乔治城大学(Georgetown University)教授法律课程。(编辑:郭中翰)
