
澳大利亚 – 美国海军陆战队员在达尔文测试呈阳性 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全

By edith921

February 17, 2021



国防部长Linda Reynolds表示,针对这批人员的COVID-19综合管理计划已经得到了北领地首席卫生官的批准,这些人员在登上飞往澳洲的航班之前,必须冠状病毒测试阴性。




https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021 … t-victoria/13151164

US Marine tests positive in Darwin Meanwhile, in the NT, a US Marine has been taken to hospital after testing positive to coronavirus in quarantine.

The 21-year-old is in Australia as part of the 2021 Marine Rotational Force-Darwin — a training exercise that will see about 2,200 personnel rotate through Darwin by June.

Health authorities said the man was among the first group of about 200 marines who touched down in Darwin on Thursday before entering quarantine at RAAF Base Darwin.

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds said a comprehensive COVID-19 management plan for the cohort had been approved by the NT Chief Health Officer, and the personnel were required to return negative coronavirus tests before boarding their flights to Australia.

It’s still unclear if the Marine had any close contacts.

“Due to strict quarantine measures in place for all arriving Marines, this case of COVID-19 was promptly detected and the Marine had no direct contact with the general community,” NT Health authorities said in a statement.

He is asymptomatic but will remain at the Royal Darwin Hospital until he recovers.

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