the Asian community to denounce the recent rise in hate crimes in our nation.
Hate will never be tolerated in New York or anywhere else, period.
— NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) March 20, 2021
We all have a stake in each other’s wellbeing. I was glad to join the community in Atlanta with @SenOssoff today to remember & honor the lives of those we lost in Tuesday’s shooting, and take an urgent stand to #StopAsianHate against our Asian-American brothers & sisters.
— Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (@SenatorWarnock) March 20, 2021
夺走八条性命,其中六人为亚裔的亚特兰大三家按摩店枪击案再次让亚裔民众觉醒;20日在亚城乔治亚州议会前,民众聚集发起”停止仇恨亚裔”(Stop Asian Hate)游行,全美各大城都有亚裔民众走上街头高呼”我们不是病毒”,维护亚裔民全,也有人至亚城枪击现场献花哀悼。
乔治亚州议会外聚集数百位民众,现身力挺亚裔社群,人群带着口罩手持美国国旗,也有人举着”我们不是病毒”(We are not the virus)、”停止仇恨亚裔”(Stop Asian Hate)等标语;同日在纽约、休斯敦等地,也都有人走上街头,为全美亚裔发声。
亚城市民李心瑞(Xinrui Li,姓名皆音译)则是到了发生枪击案的其中一间按摩店外,摆放了花束为受难者哀悼。她说发生枪击案后,让身为亚裔移民后代的她更加害怕。她说:”现在我真的很没安全感,之前在街上就有人上前问我说『你来这里干嘛?』枪击案后我感到非常害怕。”
在纽约市的联合广场、旧金山华埠和芝加哥罗根广场伊利诺百年纪念碑(Centennial Monument in Logan Square)也都聚集了声援亚裔的支持者,纽约下城富利广场(Foley Square)则有不少人为受害者点起蜡烛。
A few more scenes from the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in Pittsburgh today.
— Kristina Serafini (@KristinaS_Trib) March 20, 2021
Here in Union Square alongside countless New Yorkers to say very plainly: #StopAsianHate.
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) March 19, 2021
Strong turnout in Westchester for #StopAsianHate rally and march
— Barry Graubart (@graubart) March 20, 2021
潘提摩西(Timothy Phan)甚至驾车八小时,远从佛罗里达州圣露西港来到亚城参加游行。他说:”在遇害的女子身上,我彷佛看见我的家人。在国内我经常有一种疏离感,感觉不属于社会上的一分子。”
另一名参加游行的亚裔民众韩颂希(Sunghee Han,音译)表示:”我希望全世界与美国人民,看到我们挺身而出。”
乔州两位民主党籍新科参议员奥萨夫(Jon Ossoff)与沃诺克(Raphael Warnock),也都来到现场声援亚裔民众。奥萨夫说:”我们坚强地站在一起,谴责仇恨与谋杀。乔治亚是充满爱与同理心的地方,更是乔州与美国的最引以为傲的精神,而不是仇恨犯罪、种族歧视,杀戮与找人顶罪。我们要一同建立一个人民不必因自己身分或家乡,而感到害怕的州和国家。”