
澳大利亚 – 场面凄惨…阿富汗一学校外发生爆炸,55人死亡百人受伤 | 澳洲唐人街

By 澎湃国际

May 15, 2021

Bomb near school in Afghan capital kills at least 30 https://t.co/Bq5ePMkV1L via @CBSNews

— janette hakimi (@janettehakimi4) May 9, 2021

Afghanistan: Car bomb outside a school in Kabul killed 55 and wounded over 150, mostly girls — an atrocity blamed on Taliban insurgents.

‘Everyone was yelling and there was blood everywhere’ says student who survived. #KabulAttack https://t.co/vcubESgDLn

— Negar Mortazavi (@NegarMortazavi) May 9, 2021

Witnesses say among victims are girls going home after finishing their studies. #FMTNews https://t.co/oQnlxHoTAg

— Free Malaysia Today (@fmtoday) May 8, 2021


一名不愿透露姓名的高级安全官员表示,大多数伤者是赛义德舒哈达(Sayed ul Shuhada)学校的学生,许多人受了重伤,正在医院接受治疗。阿富汗ToloNews电视频道的镜头显示,爆炸现场非常混乱,书和书包散落在地,路上血迹斑斑,附近居民急忙赶去救助受害者。
