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这是一封来自澳洲旅游杂志 Australian Traveller 及寂寞星球Lonely Planet创办人东尼‧惠勒的澳洲旅行推荐信:

在澳洲100个必遊的体验100 Things To Do In Australia Before You Die

根据澳洲受欢迎的旅游杂志 Australia Traveller 针对澳洲民众公开甄选主题在澳洲一定要做的活动,并由澳洲包括自助旅游圣经 “寂寞星球Lonely Planet”的创办人东尼惠勒(Tony Wheeler) 等旅游达人们, 从950个网路建议活动中,评选出100个最值得旅客深入探索的活动及私房景点, 其中只是与海豚共泳就有18个不同的景点,由此可见,在澳州广阔的海岸线, 有各种不同的玩法。想做个澳洲旅游达人玩遍澳洲,拿起笔勾选看看,有多少活动及事件您曾经参与及体验过呢?

Top 1-10

1.让您的感官知觉满载–在澳洲最大的卡卡都国家公园 (Overload your senses, NT)

2.享受大堡礁的海底风情 (Dive into the Great Barrier Reef, QLD)

3.驾车环绕澳洲一大圈 (Find freedom on the Big Lap)

4.观赏红土中心乌鲁奴的色彩变奂 (Visit the remarkable pebble, NT)

5.勇气挑战爬雪梨大桥 (Climb the coathanger, NSW)….

6.遊船赏金巴利奇特海岸线(Cruise the Kimberleys, WA)…路过Kimberleys..可是正值澹季 不开放

7.在宁哥路与鲸鲨共游(Visit Ningaloo Reef,WA)

8.深入探索雪梨港湾(Explore Sydney Harbour, NSW)

9.让大师-大前研一也讚歎的费瑟岛海滩(Drive along a 75-mile beach, QLD)

10.驾车遊壮观的大洋路(Drive Great Ocean Road, VIC)

Top 11-100

11.澳洲最古老的户外自然教室:黛恩树雨林(Australia Oldest living Museum, QLD)

12.搭乘风帆前往降临岛(Sail the Whitsundays, QLD)

13.与世隔绝的北昆士兰热带区(Time’s nearly up at the top, QLD)

14.接触原着民文化(Go walk about, NT+SA)

15.在雪梨歌剧院听一场动人歌剧(Take in Opera at the House, NSW)

16.观赏澳式足球赛(Visit the home of Aussie Rules, VIC)

17.健行深入内陆丛林(Go Bush for a week)

18.野外搜寻鸭嘴兽(Spy a platypus in the wild)

19.挑战吉伯河路前往波奴鲁鲁国家公园(Conquer the Gibb River Road-Bungle Bungle, WA)

20.摇篮山登山健行(Peak at Cradle Mountain, TAS)

21.在雪河山体验澳式牛仔(Be the Man From Snowy River, VIC)

22.住宿在澳洲内陆酒吧 (Stay at great Aussie pub)…没有住宿 只有去喝一杯

23.与海豚共游(Swim wuth Dolphins)

24.最浪漫的印度洋夕阳(See an Indian Ocean Sunset)

25.与鲸鱼奇遇(Have a whale of a time)

26.莫芮河上游船(Paddle the mighty Murray, SA VIC, NSW)

27.凯萨林峡谷中蜿蜒漫游(Meaner the Katherine Gorge, NT)…有进去

28.参观全世界最古老的艺术(See the oldest art in the world)

29.探寻费莲达山脉(Explore the Flinders Ranges, SA)

30.重新发掘古老蒙哥国家公园的遗迹(Rediscover Mungo Man, NSW)

31.横越连结西澳与南澳最笔直的公路(Fellow the Nullarbor, WA+SA)

32.亚瑟港的悲情年代(Do some time at Port Arthur, TAS)

33.冒险进入原始荒野(Venture into Arnham Land, NT)

34.在国殇日的早晨悼念为捐躯战士(Shed an ANZAC tear at dawn, ACT)

35.在澳洲领土的最东点-巴伦湾迎接早晨的第一道曙光 (Catch the sun’s first rays, NSW)

36.世界遗产-豪勳爵岛(Take a rest on Lord Howe Island, NSW)

37.观赏企鹅大摇大摆夜还巢(Parade with the penguins, VIC)

38.南澳矿场挖宝去(Noodle for opals, SA)

39.在墨尔本赛马会下注(Have a flutter at Flemington, VIC)

40.探访澳洲首都坎培拉(Explore the nation’s capital, ACT)

41.骑骆驼享受电缆海滩夕阳景致Take a Cable Beach camel ride, WA)….呜~~~我去的时候没有骆驼

42.体验无水的赛船会(Experience a waterless regatta, NT)

43.加入同志嘉年华会游行队伍(Line the streets for Mardi Gras, NSW)

44.从澳洲大陆跳跃至绝境袋鼠岛(Bound over to Kanga Island, SA)

45.把玩完滚滚的恶魔石(Play with the Devils Marbles, NT)

46.原始且壮丽的麦奎尔海港(Magnificent Macquarie Harbour, TAS)

47.投注内陆赛马会(Betting at Birdsville, QLD)

48.搭乘横跨澳洲大陆东西及南北的火车路线(Board our Great Train Journey)

49.体验牧场风情赶羊去(Get a raw hide)

50.来一日冲浪体验课程(Visit the Green Room)

51.沉浸在最纯淨的塔斯马尼亚海湾 (Visit Australia’s Bay of Fires, TAS)

52.帝王谷登高(Walk the line at Kings Canyon, NT)

53.在蓝山搭乘最陡峭的小火车(Ride the world’s steepest railway, NSW)

54.挑战塔斯马尼亚的健行步道(Walk out greatest Bushwalk, TAS)

55.加入澳洲网球公开赛的加油阵容(Grab a seat at the Slam, VIC)

56.观赏大自然的凋塑 (See the sculptures at sunset, NSW)

57.圣诞岛红通通螃蟹大竞走(March with 100 million crabs, Christmas Island)

58.冲浪单挑惊人的浪花(Wipe out or win through, VIC)

59.感受最受澳洲人欢迎的烧烤BBQ (Cook a Barbie on the beach)

60.追寻早期欧洲移民探险路线(Retrace our tragic Great Race, QLD)

61.澳洲红土中心重要的健行步道(Trek the Larapinta, NT)

62.走一趟荒野遊猎行(Go on an Aussie safari, NSW)

63.品嚐喝着南极水长大的鲜美生蚝(Dine on Gourmet Island, TAS)

64.另人陶醉却不会醉的酒杯湾(Sip from the big Wineglass, TAS)

65.品嚐绝佳巴罗莎美酒(Immerse yourself in winery, SA)

66.捕捉鲜美河中味(Catch a Barra at Lake Awoonga, QLD+NT)

67.澳洲民主的诞生地 _尤利卡(Stand at Eureka Stockade, VIC)

68.採收甜美甘蔗(Fire up with Sugar Cane, QLD)

69.参加乡村音乐会(Get country in Tamworth, NSW)

70.悠游于热带水洞 (See Florence spell, NT)

71.与海豹共享沙滩日光浴(Sun yourself with seals)

72.库克船长首次登陆之地(Perouse Botany Bay, NSW)

73.骑单车环岛- Rottenest 岛 (Ride round Rotto, WA)

74.享受北领地的海湾风情(Soar into Seven Spirit Bay, NT)

75.勇气大考验-下水当鲨鱼饵(Feel Like fish bait, NSW)

76.品嚐玛格丽特河酒庄美酒美食(Savour Margaret’s wine, WA)

77.喂食鳄鱼惊险大考验(Have lunch with a croc, NT+QLD)

78.追捕澳洲罗宾汉凯利遗迹(Retrace old tin head, VIC)

79.看澳洲国宝袋鼠滑水冲浪(Watch native surfing, NSW)

80.驰聘热带绿森林(Wind through the Tablelands, QLD)

81.导览板球圣地 (Pad up with Bradman, NSW)

82.澳洲探险家的历史(Take a long reach Back, QLD)

83.澳洲最北的遗世独立的星期四岛(Eat Crayfish on Thursday Island)

84.与可爱的摩鬼共舞(Dance with the Devil, TAS)

85.换上最新款比基尼载邦黛海滩上做日光浴(See the wildlife on Bondi, NSW)

86.4WD车跨越红土中心沙漠地带(Follow the French Line, SA+QLD+NT)

87.亚拉河谷葡萄酒路线(Navigate the Yarra Valley, VIC)

88.在澳洲TIWI岛与原住民拼球技(Bathurst Island Footy Final)

89.深入乌达拉火山国家公园(Oozw along a lava tube, QLD)

90.现代探险家寻幽探宝之地(Play captain on the Hawkesbury, NSW)

91.让雪梨奥运重现(Relive Sydney’s Olympic history, NSW)

92.勇气挑战阴森墨尔本旧监狱(Hang out at Old Melbourne Goal,VIC)

93.驾车穿越北方热带路线连结凯恩斯及布鲁姆(Drive the Savannah Way, QLD+NT)

94.荷伯特港现捕现吃新鲜生蠔 (Oysters at Constitution Dock,TAS)

95.费里曼图海洋大冒险(Explore Aussie Maritime history, WA)

96.奇岩怪石沙中生(Pinch yourself at the Pinnacles,WA)

97.澳洲在南极的一角 (Shelter at Mawson’s Huts)

98.深入地层挖宝趣(Go underground at Mount Isa, QLD)

99.漫游雪梨曼莉海滩(Be Manly on the Beach, NSW)

100.时尚流行之城墨尔本(Shop till your drop in Melbourne, VIC)

Where do you wanna go?





