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澳大利亚 – 缅甸政变血腥影片曝光!19岁华侨"爆头惨死"捐躯 | 澳洲唐人街

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Kyal Sin)被击中头部,惨死在枪口之下,死前留下遗言,「请让我捐出身躯救更多人!」更是让众网友看了相当不舍。
Happeningnow in
Hledan , Yangon , Myanmar The military started shooting ppl in the
broad daylight! People had to run into nearby streets & houses for
shelter! Hear our voice!! Please help us !!! @KenRoth

#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/KEHZPhbU5N

— Honey Nway Oo (@HNwayoo)
February 26, 2021

3rd March


Another super hero is shot in the neck by the Junta.

Ma Kyal Sin, 19 years old.

This is a last video of her before she got shot.

Rest In Peace nyi ma lay

You are a true angel.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/pC5sT5jrke

— Akari Grace (@AkariGrace1)
March 3, 2021

Ma Kyal Sin, or
Angel, was 19. In her last minutes, she kicked open a water pipe so
her friends could wash tear gas from their eyes – and lobbed a tear
gas canister back at the cops. “We won’t run,” she shouted. “She
cared for and protected others as a comrade,” her friend said.

— Geoff Aung (@Rgnhardliner)
March 3, 2021

推特网友指出,玛良乌的华语名叫邓家喜(Deng Jia
A girl with a
Chinese name Deng Jia Xi (facebook name) had been shot dead this
afternoon in Mandalay, Myanmar. Her Facebook accounthttps://t.co/piXnALKUKl#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar

#ข่าวพม่า pic.twitter.com/WNIW18WL7H

— DirectXstationey (@DXstationey)
March 3, 2021

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