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澳大利亚 – 澳税局重罚涉嫌瞒报收入的悉尼夫妻3200万澳元 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全

                澳大利亚税务局称,悉尼一位女士和她的分居丈夫欠税局近3200万澳元,这是联邦法院经手的由所谓的“巴拿马文件”引发的一个重大案件。 <br />

作为属于应偿还债务的一部分资产,ATO已成功向法院申请冻结11个澳大利亚银行帐户和价值1100万澳元的部分悉尼房产,这些资产分别在现年48岁的Zhao Hui “Sophie” Shao和49岁的 CE “Eric” Wang的名下。


在最近公布的《判决理由》中,大法官Wendy Abraham表示,他们两人接受了截至2019年6月为止12年的审计,导致补交税款和罚款超过3170万澳元。



Abraham法官还指出,在“Hisun Rubber”和“ChinaHisun”这两家公司之间近期发生“大量”的资金转移。王先生是Hisun Rubber的唯一董事股东,而中国海信则与涉案两人都有关系。

法官称,王先生“最近已采取措施,将他先前拥有的资产转移。他于2020年4月将几处住宅物业,还于2020年1月将 Jingshi Pty Ltd无偿转让Shao女士”。





《每日电讯报》了解到,ATO此次审计是由《巴拿马文件》中包含的信息所触发。2016年的时候,巴拿马律师事务所的Mossack Fonseca匿名爆料了超过1100万份法律和财务文件。

这些文件中提到了Wang先生的Hisun Rubber公司。



https://www.dailytelegraph.com.a … 4b15b5081dc428defcc

This Sydney woman and her estranged husband owe nearly $32 million, the Australian Taxation Office claims, in a major Federal Court case triggered by the so-called “Panama Papers”.

As part of its bid to get the alleged debt repaid, the ATO has successfully applied to the court for freezing orders over 11 Australian bank accounts and $11 million worth of Sydney property controlled by Zhao Hui “Sophie” Shao, 48, and CE “Eric” Wang, 49.

However, this is only part of their local real estate holdings — The Daily Telegraph has identified other properties purchased for at least $8 million.

In recently published reasons for judgment, Justice Wendy Abraham said the duo had been audited for the 12 years to June 2019, leading to amended assessments and shortfall penalties of more than $31.7 million.

Justice Abraham said the ATO audit “concluded that the respondents’ true income is far in excess of the income reported by them, such that they have substantially under-reported their income across … 12 consecutive income years”.

She said it was clear “that the respondents have significant financial connections outside of the jurisdiction, particularly in China, and that they have connections to entities and associated entities with commercial activities and access to bank accounts overseas”.

She said that there had been “substantial” transfers to and from a company called Hisun Rubber, of which Mr Wang is sole director and shareholder, as well as China Hisun, to which both had connections.

Justice Abraham said Mr Wang “had recently taken steps to dissipate assets he previously owned by transferring to (Ms Shao) the interest in several residential properties in April 2020, and the interest in Jingshi Pty Ltd in January 2020” for no cost.

The court has ordered three properties be frozen. One is a five-bedroom, four-bathroom home on 3ha at Ingleside, on Sydney’s northern beaches, estimated to be worth at least $6 million.

It is one of the holdings that was previously jointly held.

Speaking to The Telegraph at the property, Ms Shao said: “Obviously there is a lot I have to say, just not at this stage. We are getting professional advice.”

Mr Wang did not respond to requests for comment.

The Telegraph understands the trigger for the ATO audits was information contained in the Panama Papers – a trove of more than 11 million legal and financial documents anonymously leaked from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca in 2016.

Hisun Rubber is named in the papers, as is Mr Wang; Ms Shao is not.

The pair has until February 15 to file defences.

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