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澳大利亚 – 联邦卫生部长说阿斯利康疫苗表现强劲 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全

                联邦卫生部长亨特回应关于阿斯利康疫苗面对南非变种毒株的问题。<br />



“我们最近看到英国的更多数据,我近日还和英国的卫生大臣交谈过,他们的结果非常强劲。” 亨特告诉2GB电台。



Greg Hunt has moved to address concerns about how the AstraZeneca vaccine interacts with the South African variant of COVID-19.

The South African Government has announced a pause on use of the drug after researchers said the vaccine developed with Oxford University offered only limited protection against mild disease caused by the South African variant.

Mr Hunt said he remained confident the vaccine would help in Australia.

“What we’ve seen is additional data coming out of the UK recently, I spoke with the UK Health Secretary in recent days, that’s their health minister equivalent, they’re having very strong results,” he told 2GB radio.

“In terms of particular variants, particular countries, the world is learning about those with all vaccines, all up what we’re seeing is very significant results with the vaccines that have been approved with up to 100 per cent protection on the early data that we’ve seen in the clinical trial results for serious illness and hospitalisation.”

Oxford said modifications to deal with the variant were not likely to be available until about September.


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