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澳大利亚 – 新州法律协会:调查无损于法治 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全

                新州法律协会说刑事司法系统之外的调查无损于法治。<br />

协会主席Michael McHugh, SC周五发表声明说刑事和民事诉讼以及行政调查都“是对国家权力的寻常而合法的使用,构成法治的一个方面。”




法治的实质在于所有权力都受法律约束 – 包括民法和刑事法 – 而且法律面前人人平等。



民事诉讼可与刑事流程分开进行,一般发生于刑事程序涸尽时 (定罪或无罪释放)或未进入刑事程序(不提出起诉)时。





The essence of the rule of law is that all authority is subject to law, both civil and criminal, and everyone is equal before the law.

The rule of law requires a separation of powers between the legislature, executive and judiciary, which allows for checks and balances between those heads of power.

The criminal justice system is one aspect of the way in which the rule of law operates. In a criminal trial, the prosecution bears an onus to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that a person is guilty of a charged offence. An accused is never required to prove her or his innocence or to disprove that certain events occurred.

Civil proceedings may occur separately to the criminal process, and usually when the criminal process is exhausted (where there has been conviction or acquittal) or not engaged (where no charges have been laid).

They may be in public or private and they too, do not require any person to prove their innocence. The rules of procedural fairness apply in such proceedings and the subject has an opportunity to be heard.

In disciplinary processes, it is for the body asserting a lack of propriety or fitness to make its case, on a lesser onus than the criminal standard of proof, but with regard to the seriousness of any allegations raised.

Executive inquiries may also be ordered with specific terms of reference setting out the scope of the inquiry.

Each of these criminal and civil processes involves the ordinary and lawful use of state authority, and comprises an aspect of the rule of law.”


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