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澳大利亚 – 澳洲顶级将军警告极有可能会与中国开战 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全

                澳洲一名顶级将军警告士兵们“很有可能”会与中国开战。<br />

悉尼晨锋报报道,少将Adam Findlay去年告诉特种部队说北京已经在进行灰色地带战争。


他说: “中国说,让我们聪明一点。让我们在战争前的标准线以下玩。”







https://www.9news.com.au/world/w … 6-ba1e-1c843ff55fca
https://www.news.com.au/technolo … f2efd76f55ee7266f6b
https://www.smh.com.au/politics/ … 0210503-p57ogv.html

One of Australia’s top generals warned soldiers there is a "high likelihood" of war breaking out with China.
Major-General Adam Findlay told special forces troops last year that Beijing was already engaged in "grey zone" warfare, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.
General Findlay described how western democracies go from peace to war with nothing in between.
"China said, let’s be smarter. Let’s just play below the threshold, before it goes to war," he said.
"Let’s achieve things strategically without having war. So, now we have a new dimension."
He said China was competing with Australia in the "grey zone".
"We have got to tool up for a new adversary.
"So this is the end point of the valley of hell that we are going into."
The comments were made during a confidential briefing in April 2020 with special forces soldiers.
Major-General Findlay served as Special Operations Commander in the Australian Army.
China has been increasingly flexing its muscle in the Asia-Pacific region in recent years, with threatening moves made towards Taiwan and the Philippines.

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