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(Attached at the end of this letter is an English translation of this letter from the help of web software)




















Letter of Appeal to President Xi Jinping, Political Leaders from Various Countries and Elites from All walks of life

(Because what this letter wants to call attention to is that human beings urgently need a brand-new cosmology and world view to promote human beings to build new scientific ideas, so some new concepts that have never existed before may not be properly translated with the help of the Internet.Therefore, all human elites are welcome to check the aforementioned original Chinese text, re-translate and spread it.)

——The main points of this letter are:The enemy who has been digging at the foot of the building of a happy life for all mankind and leading all mankind to accelerate towards total destruction is the original animal thinking mode of mankind, which has been imprisoning mankind in a situation where no matter how rich “Have” is, they have to Fight For “Have” In the low-level survival trap of animal nature.Then, the cognition boundary of value judgment of human beings is locked in the original low level, which is opposite to the construction of universe energy. In this cognitive vision that puts the cart before the horse, human beings are deeply lost in the jungle of social consciousness created by their own thinking patterns, thus floating in illusion, confusing cognition, and hindering communication.However, the existing civilization has been pushed to the end of the sustainability that can basically survive under the human thinking mode of Fight For “Have”.There is no way forward, no hope of turning back.It shows that human beings need to recognize a cosmology that is more appropriate to the nature of the universe to build a more scientific worldview, and based on this, expand new horizons to create new ideas, so that human civilization can be sustainable.Therefrom,the only way for human beings is to understand the life-death-determining information that the universe has been conveyed to human beings in various ways, but human beings have always turned a blind eye to it, that is, the bottom-level supporting law that can understand the creation and deduction of all phenomena in the universe, that is, The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws. Only in this way can we break through the above-mentioned boundaries of confinement and lock-in, and be able to scientifically simplify and clarify who I am, what I am doing, and where I am going. From this, I can learn to combine social cooperation with the advanced civilization thinking patterns of Distinguish For “Smoothlyand get rid of the current jungle-style interaction to  fighting internal friction and eventually committing suicide.In a word, people who come from the combination of cosmic energies cannot violate the laws of the nature of the universe, otherwise they will die.


Dear President Xi Jinping and dignitaries of various countries and elites from all walks of life of mankind:

The only and best way to completely resolve complex contradictions is to allow all parties to obtain balanced benefits.The best way to calm the chaos in the world and completely restore comprehensive peace is of course to allow everyone in the world to obtain sustainable and balanced benefits,it is no longer like the history of civilization in the past thousands of years that everyone is always unpredictable.So when I think that doing one thing well can bring such benefits to every human being, I firmly believe that the person who can press the actual start button of this thing is the one who has established the greatest feat in history. , must be admired by all ages.And anyone who can participate in promoting this matter has accumulated immeasurable meritIn view of this, I must and should say this.And in view of my conditions, I can only talk about this matter.Just talking it.

I am an old man who has been living at the grassroots level in China and has long since retired.The reason why I wrote this letter is because I personally believe that due to the lack of human cognition of the essence of the universe, human beings have put the cart before the horse when judging the underlying anchor point of the value of all matters, and the development of the entire social civilization is chaotic and unsmooth. It is constantly accelerating and sliding towards the abyss of total destruction.And I personally think that I have seen a scientific development path that can enable all mankind to get rid of the crisis of fighting and self-destruction and move towards sustainable and harmonious cooperation for all mankind.

But to embark on this avenue of civilization and scientization, all human beings need to jointly identify a natural philosophy science topic that can summarize the essence of the universe and the interpretation of life and death in the simplest and most scientific way.For this reason, I have been writing letters to the core of the CPC Central Committee for more than ten years (especially after Chairman Xi took charge of China), and sought to send them to the leaders of the Central Committee and their agencies through express mail at the same time, trying to forward it to a leader of the CPC Central Committee The core, but so far no response.And I still feel that in order for every human being to live happily without suffering, I should still appeal to political leaders and human elites from all over the world, but I don’t know where the channel is.And I still feel, because this is a matter of life and death for all human beings. In order for every human being to live happily without suffering, I should still appeal to political leaders and human elites from all over the world, but I don’t know where the channel is.In the end, I can only accept the advice of my friends, write this letter and ask qualified friends to help me, submit articles to various media around the world, and make public appeals through the media.In this way, try to see whether it can attract the common attention of President Xi, the political leaders of various countries and the elites of all mankind, and review and identify the natural philosophy and science topics that I put forward that can lead all mankind to advanced civilization.

Now I will further briefly describe the main reasons why I wrote this letter after I kept submitting letters to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

1、I firmly believe that it is necessary to call on all human beings to cooperate to identify the universe and its underlying laws of deduction, that is,  The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws. In the boundaries that human beings can reach in the way of cognition created by nature, The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws is the golden key that can scientifically simplify and solve all confusions and dilemmas.From the laws of natural science that humans can now reach to all aspects of human social life and private life, the cognitive information and civilization achievements that humans can obtain are all fragments of a side reflection of the deduction of qualitative laws of procedures regular phenomena.This universe is neither material nor conscious in nature, but procedural.Before human beings understand the nature of cosmic energy, it is insurmountable that they must first understand the essential commonality of the construction and deduction of all existence in the universe.That is to say, everything that human beings can perceive will show the “Have” of energy, including the phenomena of consciousness, social cooperative organizations and the cultural models produced by them, etc., are all the movement tracks of cosmic energy, and are programmed and programmed to combine and cooperate.Therefore, only because of the “smoothly” of the program can the “existence” of the universe and its deduction come into being.All “Have” and its deduction are the programmed “smooth;y” of energy movement to produce a dynamic balance mode.It can be seen from this that the essence of “being” of all existence in this world is the same as that of the underlying construction, that is, the same as programmed.Therefore, Vientiane has mutual communication and coherent channels.To put it more simply, in this world, only when the program is “smoothly” can “Have” be born, instead of “smoothly” after “Have”.For example, all human beings have been desperately pursuing economic development, and it will be used as a core label to measure the degree of social civilization, etc. . . …In terms of values, everyone is Fight For “Have” , not Distinguish For “Smoothly.This inversion of the cart in the cognition of the natural view of the universe leads to the inversion of right and wrong in the value orientation, which is the root cause of all the suffering and confusion in the cooperation and life of human society.If the upside-down value cognition in the human thinking mode is not corrected, and a scientific and cultural awareness ecology of human society cooperation is created, once the angels of all civilization achievements are created, they will be used upside down and demonized.Human beings will continue to accelerate towards extinction in the repeated toss between chaos and harmony.Human beings are now in a crisis of extinction at any time.

  1. If China can recognize and master the laws of procedural quality under the leadership of Chairman Xi, it will surely make unprecedented contributions to the entire human civilization.First, from the perspective of the original meaning of the vocabulary, Chairman Xi proposed the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and the scientific precision of its connotation is unprecedented.This not only demonstrates Chairman Xi’s broad mind for all human beings, but also the concept that all things have the same nature and can cooperate and coexist. Compared with the various concepts designed by human beings for a happy future, it is more in line with the qualitative laws of the nature of the universe. Intrinsic prescriptiveness, this is exactly the scientific direction that all human beings should strive for.The second is that China, as the largest model of human social cooperation, is the largest reserve of conscious energy resources in human civilization that is completely impossible to ignore.The third is that the resource fuse of this energy reserve has been ignited and awakened, and the direction of the explosion of social consciousness, cultural and ecological energy constructed by it has been related to the life and death of all human beings.Especially in the era when all human elites clearly feel that the current destiny of all mankind has reached a crossroads of life and death choices.
  2. If human beings want to get rid of the crisis of destruction, they urgently need to scientifically recognize the ontology and the underlying construction system of all things derived from it, and understand that the essence of all forms of existence in the universe is the same and the essence of programming, so as to do things The only scientific grip is the program.This thing is running out of time.Because human cognition determines thoughts, and human thoughts are integrated to form thinking patterns.The thinking mode is the production machine for human beings to produce the products of consciousness, or it is the cooperation mode of consciousness energy.The combination of thinking modes is social consciousness and cultural ecology, which determines the ecological mode of social cooperation, that is, determines the sustainability of civilization.The existing human thinking mode of Fight For “Have” has pushed the basic survival and sustainability of the civilization and cooperation ecology to the end, and there is no way forward and no hope of turning back.Scientific transformation must be carried out from the bottom of the cooperative ecology of human society.This is an unavoidable life-and-death social cooperation ecological transformation project that has never been encountered in human history.It is best to find the best entry point that can be effective in the shortest time to do a good job in this most important top-level event for all human beings that is a matter of life and death.Human civilization stems from the fact that humans are better at cooperation than other animals. Therefore, government agencies are social cooperation organizations that have the strongest guidance for social trends, the widest coverage, and the fastest results in human social cooperation.Therefore, starting from the cognition and identification of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Lawsof the construction logic at the bottom of the universe, to rebuild the human thinking mode,it is the greatest historical project of social cooperation in the history of mankind to update and upgrade it intoThe Distinguish For “Smoothly, and to make the cooperation ecology of human society and the cosmic interpretation synchronized and scientific.Among the most important responsibilities related to the advancement, retreat, life and death of the entire human civilization, the political leaders of various countries shoulder the greatest trust of all mankind.In my opinion, the whole world is at the crossroads of ignorance and wisdom in the history of human civilization, testing what kind of future we will give to our children and grandchildren?
  3. Only by mastering the reins can you control a thousand-mile horse.The Programed Decide Qualitaty Lawsis the “rein” of the entire universe and its interpretation.Only by mastering the qualitative laws of the program can we truly directly and comprehensively contact the true law system of the universe, thus completely changing the current state of human beings who only use the whip back and forth, feel the rein in the reckless, and still don’t know it.So now no matter who or what position they are in, they are fighting each other in the jungle like hard work, and no one can easily control their own life.Everyone differs only in the degree and angle of jungle fighting.Here, according to The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws, we choose a perspective and make a brief analysis,to see clearly the causes of the jungle ecology of human society and its gradual deduction into the current two extreme social cooperation ecology of forest and swamp, and the formation context of the plight that has caused continuous human suffering.

When human beings first understand the world, what they see is the value relationship of various “Have” bings that exist one by one to themselves,occupying “Have” can produce the feeling of “Smoothnly”.Therefore, based on seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, the value and “Have” are anchored together to judge, without understanding, it is the “smoothnly” of the dynamic balance of “Have”‘s internal and external procedures that creates the value characteristics of “Have” and shows the value relationship .In essence, the essence of all kinds of “Have” is common to the programmed “smoothnly” in order to deduce all kinds of complicated and illusory program combination appearances.Therefore, because radish and green vegetables have their own loves, different people create their own unique survival judgment logic around the “Have” they identify with, and form “trees” of consciousness with different thinking modes.And the value standard will be further confused with the continuous transformation and deduction of “Have”.Human value judgments have thus created the chaotic jungle of consciousness in human society.After humans stepped out of the physical jungle to create human civilization, civilization has been trapped in the jungle of consciousness created by humans at the same time, making the rules of the jungle disrupt the correct use of the achievements of human civilization.To be born in this universe must be whipped by The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws ,on the one hand, human beings continue to establish a procedural link and cooperation model from material to social cooperation; on the other hand, in order to strive for “Have” as a value orientation, they blindly pursue goals and results without any means, that is, regardless of the procedural process, or even the anti-universe nature of The Follow The Program Can Be Determined The Standard sizing way, conduct acts that violate established procedures,the entire human society cooperation link is repeatedly tossed between chaos and smoothness.The only difference is that, based on historical evolution, different ethnic groups have different levels of emphasis on procedures in their thinking patterns, resulting in differences in the sustainability of the program links that social cooperation must rely on, and the stability and sustainability of social cooperation. The different energies that make the society bear the achievements of civilization are manifested in the fact that the existing human societies are all in the low-level jungle civilization, and the essence is the same, but there is a civilization difference of fifty steps and one hundred steps.The more typical social cooperation ecological extremes are similar to forests and swamps.In some places, social and cultural consciousness is more ecologically procedural, which makes the procedural link of social cooperation more stable and sustainable.So socially and ecologically, it becomes a forest that can support and grow big trees.In some places, in the ecology of social and cultural consciousness, the procedural process is underestimated in order to achieve the goal. As the center of thinking and behavior, and even the specific procedural link of social cooperation, it is often fragmented by those who do things for the purpose and results.In doing things, the established procedure of what is done is often confused, which leads to the misplacement of the law of what should be done, and makes the facts and right and wrong appear plausible but not confused.Everything is specious, leading to the swamping of the entire social cooperation,it’s just that when the global environment is just right, the various falling tree species can be alienated into shrubs and flowers, but the mainstream energy at the bottom is still a swamp….Because the thinking mode of all human beings is stagnant in the low-level animal stage of Fight For “Have” , so the whole human beings are immersed and lost in the jungle of consciousness, fighting each other,unable to get out of the smog dilemma of the jungle of consciousness, to create a high-level civilized social ecology of sustainable harmonious cooperation of human beings in which every snowflake follows the procedure and the whole society will not avalanche.

5、My own conditions and the real environment determine that I need to find a platform that can speak well to promote the qualitative laws of programs to all human beings.Let me first assume that  The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that govern all human beings are indeed the essential laws of the universe, and will be able to completely upgrade the entire human civilization after being recognized by human beings.Then it is really necessary for me to find a platform to convey the information of this scientific topic in the widest possible way.But I don’t currently have the conditions to transmit information like this. It is urgent to seek the help of human elites all over the world.One is because I already have various geriatric diseases, including coronary heart disease and mild cerebral infarction, etc.And in the plight of economic conditions, the number of hospitalizations has increased recently.And I am fortunate to have traveled more social perspectives than ordinary people, picked up more information on the achievements of civilizations of human cooperation in more directions, and analyzed and combined them, so that I saw The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws.This law has always stood in the space and time of the universe, and it is not the result of my personal ability, so the result of this combination of information should belong to all human beings.Therefore, it is best to pass on all of them as soon as possible. This is what I think I should try my best to do well after I have lived in this world.What’s more, the current situation in the world is turbulent, and it is urgent to use such natural science information that can reach the whole universe to enable all human beings to establish a smooth energy communication channel,only in this way can we reduce and expect to eliminate the sparks that erupt between conflicts as soon as possible, so that everyone can get rid of suffering and disaster as soon as possible.The second is because it involves the correction of the underlying construction of all aspects and things of human beings, and it is difficult to be compatible with the current reality of human thinking patterns and habits.In particular, it is necessary to use a platform that can be combined with reality to conduct peaceful and smooth dialogue and analysis, so that it will be easy to integrate.The third is to change the inertia of old social and ecological habits, which requires strength support.Therefore, it is hoped that there will be elites from all walks of life with this kind of power to cooperate and work together,in particular, political leaders in various countries should attach great importance to it,make the environment for this dialogue good, and you can find and avoid various dangerous areas that will interrupt the dialogue at any time in the jungle society, especially the trap area in the swamp area,to ensure the completion of the screening dialogue of all mankind on this subject of natural philosophy and science.What’s more, I think that if this natural science project is established and implemented, it will completely recombine the achievements of the entire human civilization.This especially requires the cooperation of all mankind to do well.

In short, our human suffering, including any individual who struggles with ambition and finally sighs, is matched by our cognition.All suffering is caused by human beings being imprisoned by their own thinking.The reason why we urgently need to transform our thinking is that this kind of thinking energy has inevitably led human beings to the opposite of civilization efforts,not only the constant acceleration towards the inevitable failure of everyone’s efforts for personal happiness, but also the continuous acceleration of the human race towards extinction.Only by establishing a more scientific outlook on the universe and the world, and on the basis of this, comprehensively upgrade human values, outlook on life, and outlook on society,that is to comprehensively and scientifically upgrade and transform the existing human thinking mode,Only then can human beings escape from the current sea of suffering, and human civilization can be upgraded to an advanced civilization.

I have written a brief article about the qualitative law of procedures I mentioned《A brief introduction to the outline of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that fill the entire space-time of the universe perceived by human beings and dominate the underlying structure of the essence of the universe of all human beings》(《览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点——兼及简说人类文明的本质及其循序定度之核心演绎机制》).All kinds of elite translations are welcome.I recently wrote a short article that introduces the above article《The bottom line code of happiness that the universe has repeatedly warned people is that every snowflake follows the procedure, and the society will not avalanche》(《宇宙一再告诫人的幸福底线密码是每片雪花都循序则社会就不会雪崩》).Although the two articles are about scientific topics of natural philosophy, but because they involve human civilization, and in view of the political discipline requirements emphasized by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I have already submitted numerous petitions to the Central Committee for review and instructions:If there is no instruction to explain the nature of the article of natural philosophy and science, the central government has no objection to my publishing it in any media.Therefore, I have entrusted volunteers to help find the path and publish it on the media that can be issued.I don’t know much about the specifics of the issue, and netizens should be able to find the article.In the last June, on this matter, I sent another letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, attaching the above-mentioned article and examples of the analysis of the article, etc., to petition the Central Committee to organize a special investigation on this. The zip code of the letter is: 1142117919048.I also appeal here again, please pay attention to the central government to check and review.In view of the letters I sent to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the past, they were all arranged to be sent to the Letters and Calls Bureau. Therefore, this letter and its related attachments will also be submitted to the suggestion column of the Bureau of Letters and Calls website at the same time. I appeal again in this way, please pay attention to the leaders of the Bureau of Letters and Calls, and must forward it to Chairman Xi.

The dissemination of this letter is welcome.

Kim Guyu Delegate Forwarding

