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苹果特饮(素食/ 无奶制品/ 无麸质)APPLE PUNCH SMOOTHIE | 澳洲唐人街 美食

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准备时间:3-4 分钟 / 烹饪时间:10 分钟 / 预计:60 分钟
Serves: 3-4 / Prep: 10 min / Set: 60 min


3 个小红苹果 + 1 个姜榨成1 1/3 杯果汁
3 small red apples + 1 knob of ginger, juiced (1 1/3 cup of juice)
1/4 茶匙肉桂粉
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 茶匙香草粉或提取物
¼ tsp vanilla powder or extract
Pinch ground cloves (optional)
2 汤匙核桃或山核桃在热水中浸泡1 小时
2 tbs walnuts or pecans, soaked in hot water for 1 hour
1 只大的冻香蕉,冷冻
1 large frozen banana


  1. 将所有配料放入搅拌机中,搅拌至光滑和奶油状。
    Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. 倒入杯子中配上吸管,供客人饮用。
    Pour into glasses and serve with a paper straw.


立即食用,在冰箱中存放最多2 天,在冷冻冰格中可保存4 个月
Serve immediately, store in the fridge for up to 2 days or freeze in popsicle moulds for up to 4 months

如果您想找一款让孩子和成年人都喜欢的庆祝饮料,那麽请不要考虑了。这款Apple Punch 冰沙特饮天然甜美、有奶油味,而且含有具有消炎作用的肉桂、含欧米茄-3 的果仁。将是这个开心季节的完美选择!
If you’re looking for a celebratory drink that both kids and adults will LOVE, then look no further. My Apple Punch Smoothie is naturally sweet and creamy, but with the perks of anti-inflammatory cinnamon and omega-3-packed nuts, this smoothie is a perfect choice for the silly season!

Wholesome child提供

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