澳大利亚 – 新州继续暴雨天气,北部海滩爆发洪水,多条公路关闭 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全

大雨和洪水造成新州多条繁忙道路今晨被迫关闭,没有任何迹象显示跨年夜之前这多雨的天气会有所改变。 新州在过去的24小时中,北部海滩的降雨量最大, Terrey Hi。。。澳洲唐人街


新州在过去的24小时中,北部海滩的降雨量最大, Terrey Hills记录105毫米,其次是Allambie,记录为72毫米,Manly记录为63毫米,Forestville 58毫米, Mosman记录略低为51毫米。


洪水继续影响Narrabeen和Oxford Falls之间的Wakehurst Parkway。Oxford Falls Rd在Wakehurst Parkway 和 Aroona Rd之间也双向封闭。

在Terrey Hills,Mona Vale Rd在Forest Way的西行方向关闭,而Rozelle地区的Crescent在洪水泛滥后,开往市区的车道现已重新开放。

由于Racecourse Rd发生洪水,The Central Coast Highway的Gosford路段双向交通也被关闭。该地区交通拥堵。

气象局值班预报员Melody Sturm说,今天的大多恶劣天气将发生在新州东北部。



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Heavy rainfall and flooding has forced the closure of several busy roads this morning and there is no sign of the wet weather easing ahead of New Year’s Eve.

The Northern Beaches copped the most rain across NSW in the past 24 hours with Terrey Hills recording 105mm followed by Allambie with 72mm, Manly with 63mm, Forestville 58mm and Mosman on the North Shore recorded 51mm.

Several roads were closed due to flooding across the city including at Rozelle and on the Northern Beaches and Central Coast.

Flooding continues to affect the Wakehurst Parkway in both directions between Narrabeen and Oxford Falls. Oxford Falls Rd is also closed in both directions between Wakehurst Parkway and Aroona Rd.

At Terrey Hills, Mona Vale Rd is closed westbound past Forest Way and citybound lanes have now been reopened after flooding on The Crescent at Rozelle.

The Central Coast Highway is also closed in both directions at Gosford due to flooding at Racecourse Rd. Traffic is heavy in the area.

Bureau of Meteorology duty forecaster Melody Sturm said most of today’s severe weather will be in the north eastern parts of the state.

“All tablelands and the central west slopes and plains will see a lot of rain today,” she said.

“The heaviest rain will be around the tablelands and the Mid North Coast, there is a chance of those storms becoming severe there.

“The northern ranges will see heavy bursts of rain in the morning particularly.”

In the Sydney metro, wet weather will continue for most of the day before a possible easing in the early evening.

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