(德国之声中文网) 这些天,从印度传来的图像震惊全世界。目光所及,到处是露天火化柴堆,烈焰升腾。大批大批人在医院外死去。家属绝望地为亲人寻找氧气瓶。整个印度犹如战区,无数人死于敌人之手。其实,若未低估敌人的潜力,事情原不会发展到这一地步。
就像东京奥运等重大活动在其它地区被取消或推迟时,印度却在为该国最大的宗教活动“大壶节”(Maha Kumbh)和地方选举做准备。与每次选举一样,莫迪的印度教民族主义政党——印度人民党(BJP)不遗余力,投入选战。该党要确保,自己组织的集会规模要大于其它任何政党的集会。
在西孟加拉邦的一次集会上,莫迪的确也说了,他 “从未在集会上看到过这么多人”,并对此深深致谢。人群如此庞大,本应引起人们的忧虑,而专家们也发出警报。
但内政部长沙阿(Amit Shah)却迅速回应说,冠状病毒感染人数的上升与选举活动之间无因果关系,因为 “在没有选举的州,病例也急剧上升”。
<ul class="slides"> <li class="first"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213559-6143b8bfa1744.jpg" title="Relatives of a deceased COVID-19 patient grieve in front of a hospital in the Indian city of Ahmedabad. The health situation has spiraled out of control. The country recorded more than 333,000 new infections in the last 24 hours — the highest daily caseload in the world. That means more than 1 million people in India have been infected with the virus in the past four days alone." alt="Relatives of a deceased COVID-19 patient grieve in front of a hospital in the Indian city of Ahmedabad. The health situation has spiraled out of control. The country recorded more than 333,000 new infections in the last 24 hours — the highest daily caseload in the world. That means more than 1 million people in India have been infected with the virus in the past four days alone."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>不能承受之痛</h2> <p>这里是印度艾哈迈达巴德市一家医院前。图中悲痛的两人刚刚在疫情中失去了亲人。在印度,新冠疫情已然失控,在过去数日里,印度每日新增病例超过33万。仅仅4月23日一天,新增就超过34.6万,又一次打破前一日的记录。</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213611-6143b8cb1765a.jpg" title="COVID-19 patients wait to be treated at this hospital in New Delhi. Many hospitals are completely overwhelmed. We are running desperately short of beds, desperately short of oxygen [and] essential medicines, Shuchin Bajaj, an Indian doctor and director of a hospital chain, told DW. We are turning away patients. It's breaking our hearts. The situation in the country is almost apocalyptic." alt="COVID-19 patients wait to be treated at this hospital in New Delhi. Many hospitals are completely overwhelmed. We are running desperately short of beds, desperately short of oxygen [and] essential medicines, Shuchin Bajaj, an Indian doctor and director of a hospital chain, told DW. We are turning away patients. It's breaking our hearts. The situation in the country is almost apocalyptic."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>医院人满为患</h2> <p>很多新冠患者正在新德里一家医院里等待治疗。在印度,很多医院人满为患。印度医生、连锁医院负责人巴贾杰(Duchin Bajaj)告诉德国之声:“我们急需病床,急需氧气和基本药物。我们不得不把病人们拒之门外。这让我们心碎。”</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213618-6143b8d21978e.jpg" title="Many desperate patients still set out for hospital — and sometimes have to wait for hours in front of them, like this man in a motor rickshaw in Ahmedabad. At least he got one of the increasingly scarce oxygen cylinders. In Delhi alone, according to official figures, there is a shortage of around 5,000 intensive care beds, and some hospitals have almost run out of oxygen." alt="Many desperate patients still set out for hospital — and sometimes have to wait for hours in front of them, like this man in a motor rickshaw in Ahmedabad. At least he got one of the increasingly scarce oxygen cylinders. In Delhi alone, according to official figures, there is a shortage of around 5,000 intensive care beds, and some hospitals have almost run out of oxygen."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>绝望的等待</h2> <p>很多人根本进不去医院,需要在医院门前等待数小时。例如,艾哈迈达巴德的人力车里的这位先生。他至少还得到了一个氧气瓶。在印度,氧气瓶日益紧缺。根据官方数据,仅德里地区就缺少大约5000张重症监护病床,一些医院的氧气也用完了。</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213626-6143b8daf365b.jpg" title="Many places across the country, like here in Allahabad, are seeing people crowd oxygen refilling stations with empty cylinders to bring their relatives. Oxygen is already being traded at exorbitant prices on the black market. The government is considering stopping operations at oil refineries and other industries that use oxygen for production so it can be provided to hospitals." alt="Many places across the country, like here in Allahabad, are seeing people crowd oxygen refilling stations with empty cylinders to bring their relatives. Oxygen is already being traded at exorbitant prices on the black market. The government is considering stopping operations at oil refineries and other industries that use oxygen for production so it can be provided to hospitals."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>排队等氧气</h2> <p>在印度许多地方,例如图中的阿拉哈巴德,氧气瓶加气站挤满了人。在黑市上,氧气正以高昂的价格交易。印度政府正在考虑暂停炼油厂等耗氧工业的运营,以节省出氧气提供给医院。</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213637-6143b8e57855b.jpg" title="Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 186,000 Indians have died as a result of the coronavirus. Currently, the country is registering more than 2,000 deaths every day. In many parts of the country, such as here in the capital, Delhi, the crematoriums and cemeteries can barely keep up with the number of bodies." alt="Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 186,000 Indians have died as a result of the coronavirus. Currently, the country is registering more than 2,000 deaths every day. In many parts of the country, such as here in the capital, Delhi, the crematoriums and cemeteries can barely keep up with the number of bodies."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>日夜不停的火化</h2> <p>自疫情开始以来,已经有近19万名印度人因感染新冠病毒而死亡。目前,印度记录的每日死亡人数超过2000。在很多地方,例如在首都新德里,火葬场和墓地几乎不够用了。</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213645-6143b8ed6d097.jpg" title="Some experts say the situation in the country has worsened because of the rapid spread of a particularly contagious new double mutant variant of the coronavirus, B.1.617. It has prompted many countries to impose entry bans on travelers from India — and even issue travel warnings for the country. The United States has done that even for its citizens already vaccinated against the coronavirus." alt="Some experts say the situation in the country has worsened because of the rapid spread of a particularly contagious new double mutant variant of the coronavirus, B.1.617. It has prompted many countries to impose entry bans on travelers from India — and even issue travel warnings for the country. The United States has done that even for its citizens already vaccinated against the coronavirus."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>“双重变种”病毒的快速传播</h2> <p>一些专家认为,印度疫情恶化的原因是传染性特别强的“双重变种”病毒B.1.617的快速传播。这让许多国家对来自印度的旅行者实施入境禁令,并对印度发出旅行警告。美国甚至对已接种新冠疫苗的公民也发出前往印度的旅行警告。德国也在周六(4月24日)发布了针对印度的入境禁令。 </p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213652-6143b8f4d389e.jpg" title="India is home to more than 1.3 billion people. But less than 2 % of the adult population has been vaccinated so far. That's despite the country being one of the world's largest vaccine producers. But the order came late for Indian pharmaceutical companies to first meet domestic demand rather than exporting jabs. From May 1, vaccines will be available to all Indians over the age of 18." alt="India is home to more than 1.3 billion people. But less than 2 % of the adult population has been vaccinated so far. That's despite the country being one of the world's largest vaccine producers. But the order came late for Indian pharmaceutical companies to first meet domestic demand rather than exporting jabs. From May 1, vaccines will be available to all Indians over the age of 18."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>缺乏疫苗</h2> <p>印度人口超过13亿。尽管印度是世界上最大的疫苗生产国之一,但到目前为止,只有不到2%的成年人口接种了新冠疫苗。印度制药公司已经接到命令,首先要满足国内需求。从5月1日起,所有18岁以上的印度人都可以接种新冠疫苗。</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213658-6143b8fa805cb.jpg" title="Experts say it's not just the sluggish vaccination rate that is to blame for the rapid spread of the coronavirus in India. Religious, political and sporting events across the nation have also played a big role. The Kumbh Mela, India's largest Hindu pilgrimage festival, was attended by several million people. During the ritual bath in the Ganges, there were few signs of masks and social distancing." alt="Experts say it's not just the sluggish vaccination rate that is to blame for the rapid spread of the coronavirus in India. Religious, political and sporting events across the nation have also played a big role. The Kumbh Mela, India's largest Hindu pilgrimage festival, was attended by several million people. During the ritual bath in the Ganges, there were few signs of masks and social distancing."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>群体聚会推波助澜</h2> <p>专家认为,印度疫情恶化的原因不仅是因为苗接种率低。全国各地的宗教、政治和体育活动也推波助澜。大壶节(Kumbh Mela)是最大的印度教朝圣节,聚集者众多。在恒河的沐浴仪式中,几乎没有人戴口罩和保持社交距离。</p> </li> <li class="hideBeforeLoad"> <img src="https://cdn.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210916213702-6143b8feb8099.jpg" title="Politics too has set a poor example so far. Regional elections were held in the state of West Bengal at the beginning of the month. There were mass rallies in the megacity of Kolkata during the campaign with leading politicians from the ruling BJP party. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took part — and were celebrated by thousands of unmasked supporters." alt="Politics too has set a poor example so far. Regional elections were held in the state of West Bengal at the beginning of the month. There were mass rallies in the megacity of Kolkata during the campaign with leading politicians from the ruling BJP party. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took part — and were celebrated by thousands of unmasked supporters."/>
<h4>印度疫情水深火热 医疗系统濒临崩溃</h4> <h2>危险的政治活动</h2> <p>迄今为止,印度政治界也未能做出好榜样。本月初,西孟加拉邦举行了地区选举。竞选期间,在加尔各答这座大城市里,执政的印度人民党的主要政客都举行大规模集会。总理莫迪也出席了集会,现场数千名支持者都没有戴口罩。</p> <p class="author"> 作者: Thomas Latschan </p> </li> </ul> <br class="clearfix"/> <h2>否认现实 </h2> <p>不仅是内政部长在否认现实。人口最多的北方邦的首席部长新近 亦声称,不存在氧气短缺的问题,并威胁要对“散布谣言”的医院采取行动。然而,此时此刻,众医院正因缺氧而不得不把患者拒之门外! </p> <p>火葬场员工指出,已难以为继,因为,他们接到的尸体至少要比正常情况多出10倍。多数情况下,病人在送抵医院前即已死去,所以未能确定死因。 </p> <p>根据官方数字,到目前为止,新冠病毒在印度夺走了20多万条生命。但由于记录漏洞严重,实际数字无疑会高得多。 </p> <h2>等待 "救世主" </h2> <p>印度中产阶级视莫迪为救世主,命定会消弭他们的苦难。带着这一希望,大量选民把票投给他——不是一次,而是两次。“莫迪在,一切皆可能"(Modi hai to mumkin hai")的口号依然在印度中产阶级中徊响。</p> <p>因此,去年,当莫迪呼吁点蜡烛、敲大盘,过排灯节时,大家热情空前。人们相信,莫迪知道如何确保他们的安全。他请大家到阳台上去,鼓掌9分钟,他们这么做了;他要求他们手持点燃的蜡烛,他们听进去了;他呼吁他们来参加竞选集会,他们响应了。 </p> <h2>新闻审查不是出路 </h2> <p>在民主制度下,一旦事情搞砸了,人们可期待政府出面承担责任。但莫迪政府走上不同的道路:封锁社交媒体上的批评言论。当地推特已删除了数十个证明当局危机管理不善的帖子,脸书和Instagram预计亦会效仿。</p> <p>在人们对政府失去信心的时候,社会媒体往往是他们唯一的希望。人们使用WhatsApp群组、脸书页面和推特信息流,提供帮助。然而,若连这些都以拯救国家 "主权和完整 "的名义而被夺走,那怎还有其它选项可言? </p> <p>现在是印度政府停止否认、并对混乱局面承担责任的时候了。对印度人民来说,这一点日渐清晰:他们的救世主已置他们于不顾。 </p> 观看视频 00:47 <h4>分享</h4> <h2>印度火葬场来不及火化新冠肺炎亡者</h2> <p> 发送 Facebook Twitter EMail Line Facebook Messenger Web Whatsapp Web </p> <p><strong>固定链接</strong> https://p.dw.com/p/3sfOl</p> <h2>印度火葬场来不及火化新冠肺炎亡者</h2> <p>德国之声致力于为您提供客观中立的新闻报道,以及展现多种角度的评论分析。文中评论及分析仅代表作者或专家个人立场。 </p> <p>© 2021年 德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到着作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。
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