告别屌丝英文:搞定这11种场境 你的英文瞬间高大上‏

「如何用正式英语沟通?」生活在土澳的小伙伴们会经常发现身边的老外们在pub和工作中说的英文是完全不一样的!~虽然是同样的意思,但是formal English和informal English的差异实在太大!通过这些最简单的词汇表达就通常也能看出一个人的礼貌程度以及受教育的程度,小伙伴们速速学起来吧:-)

NO.1 询问他人是否需要帮助

Would you like me to….?

Shall I …?

May I offer you…?

I’d be happy to…

NO.2 接受他人好意

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, it’s very kind of you …

NO.3 回绝他人好意

No, thank you. I can manage that.

No, thank you. I’m fine.

Thank you for asking, but…

I’m afraid…

NO.4 请求他人帮助

Could you please…?

Would you…?/Can you…?

Could I possibly…?

Is it all right if I …?

Would you mind…?/Do you mind if I …? (回答这两句的提问时,回答用no。因为这两句都有”是否造成不便的意思”。例如:”Would you mind if I had some water?” “No, please go ahead.”)

NO.5 答应帮助别人

Yes, of course./Yes, that’s fine.

Certainly./ Absolutely.

By all means.

NO.6 拒绝帮助别人

No, I’m sorry./ Sorry, but…

I’m afraid not. / I’m afraid + 原因

Well, the problem is + 原因

NO.7 提出建议

I would suggest/recommend/propose…

May I suggest…/ I wonder if I might suggest that…

If I were you, I would…

What would you say to…

NO.8 表达意见

I think…/ I believe…/ I suppose…

In my opinion,…/ In my view,…

From my viewpoint,…/ From my point of view…/From my perspective…

According to me,…/ It seems to me that…

To be honest,…/ To tell you the truth,…/ To be frank,…

As far as I am concerned,…/ To my mind,…

NO.9 对他人意见表示认同

I agree. / I couldn’t agree more.

Exactly. / That is precisely the point.

I think we are in agreement on that…

NO.10 对他人意见表示不认同

With respect, I do not agree.

With all due respect, I must disagree.

I’m afraid,…

I beg to differ on the point of…

I agree up to point, but…/ To a certain extent I agree, but… (这两句是委婉的,”我部分赞同,但是…”)

NO.11 向他人致歉

I’m so sorry.

My apologies.

I do apologize for…

Excuse me for…

墨尔本无忧雅思告别屌丝英文:搞定这11种场境 你的英文瞬间高大上‏


笑翻:墨尔本人嫌悉尼「土鳖」 悉尼人墨尔本「装x」

2014-10-23 16:56:53


外出旅游最揪心的 身份证丢失后你该做什么?‏

2014-10-26 11:17:08

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