Asher: Melbourne Remote Control Tourist receives top industry accolade

Melbourne Remote Control Tourist receives top industry accolade

·    Successful Melbourne campaign recognised at Awards
·    Melbourne again positioned as a top city to visit
·    Victorian Coalition Government promoting tourist visits to our

Melbourne’s innovation and creativity has again been recognised and
awarded at the 35th Australasian Writers and Art Directors Association
(AWARD) Awards, with Melbourne Remote Control Tourist winning the Film and
Video and Digital categories and the prestigious, Best in Show category.

Minister for Tourism and Major Events Louise Asher said that the Victorian
Coalition Government was delighted that the latest stage of the Play
Melbourne campaign – Remote Control Tourist, has received this award.

“Creativity and innovation is the cornerstone of this campaign, and it has
not only resonated with our target audience, but has positioned Melbourne
globally as an innovative, creative and cutting-edge city” Ms Asher said.

The most prestigious award show in the Asia Pacific region, the AWARD
Awards attracts approximately 2,000 entries and has a membership of the
finest creative minds from New Zealand to South East Asia and across

Following the launch last October, the impact of Remote Control Tourist
has exceeded initial expectations with over 180,000 unique visitors to the
campaign website and people from over 175 countries and 5,800 cities
spending on average 6 minutes on the site exploring Melbourne.

Remote Control Tourist was the latest component of Tourism Victoria’s
highly successful Jigsaw campaign, the longest-running destination
marketing campaign in the world which received over 50 tourism awards.


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