澳華社區議會此希望透過舉辦此次會議,讓更多人理解這個議題,大會講者及出席嘉賓皆為來自各領域的菁英,包括西太平洋銀行(Westpac)亞洲領導主管Alice Wong、澳大利亞紅十字會主席Sam Wong、澳大利亞亞裔律師協會主席Reynah Tang、導演Tony Ayres、新南威爾斯州議員Jenny Leong等等,從各方面討論並最終找到解決這些問題的方法。
二〇一五年八月二十一日 聯繫人:Flora Yeh 0481320536
Piercing the Bamboo Ceiling
The 2015 national conference of the Chinese Community Council of Australia Victorian Chapter (CCCAV) will be held in Melbourne on 12 September. With the theme of this conference being “Piercing the Bamboo Ceiling”, CCCAV is working on engaging the Chinese community in addressing this issue.
Chinese Australians are now the largest ethnic community in this country. Migrants from China alone account for the biggest source in business, skilled and family reunion migration in Australia. Chinese has overtaken Greek and Italian as the second most commonly used language.
With an impressive talent and resource pool as large as this, yet all too often Chinese Australians find it hard to realise their full potential in career development especially in politics, the judiciary, public advocacy and corporates. Such is the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon.
The purpose of the conference is to address this issue and find the solution to tackle it. Elites from various fields have been invited as speakers at this conference, including Westpac Head of Asian Leadership Alice Wong, Asian Australian Lawyers Association President Reynah Tang, Australian Red Cross Canberra Division Chair Sam Wong, New South Wales MP Jenny Leong, etc.
CCCAV urges the community to face this problem and encourages every one to participate in this discussion.
21 August, 2015 Media Contact: Flora Yeh 0481320536
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