联邦财长弗莱登伯格说澳洲在卫生和经济上的表现都是“领先世界”的,澳洲经济2020年的表现比所有其他发达的经济体都好。<br />
他说英国经济萎缩了9.9%,意大利8.9%,法国8.2%,加拿大5%,日本4.8%, 美国3.3%,而澳洲经济仅下滑2.5%。
“12月季度中来自联邦政府的经济支持减半了,与此同时经济增长了3.1%, 新增32万个职位,210澳人从JobKeeper’毕业’。 12月消费者开销多了4.3%,企业投资增长26.6%。这是2017年以来最强劲的结果。”
Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says Australia’s performance on the health and economic front is “world leading”, with the Australian economy outperforming all other advanced economies in 2020.
“This is the first time in recorded history that Australia has seen two consecutive quarters of economic growth of more than 3 per cent. The Australian economy has recovered 85 per cent of its COVID-induced fall, six months earlier and twice as fast as we expected in last year’s October budget.”
He said while the United Kingdom contracted by 9.9 per cent, Italy 8.9 per cent, France 8.2 per cent, Canada 5 per cent, Japan 4.8 per cent and the United States 3.3 per cent, Australia was down by only 2.5 per cent.
“There are still sectors and regions that are doing it tough, but our economic support will continue and today’s national accounts confirmed that a strong, broad-based recovery is under way,” he said. “What is particularly pleasing in today’s numbers is that as our emergency support is tapering off, the private sector is stepping up.
“In the December quarter, direct economic support from the federal government halved, yet at the same time, the economy grew by 3.1 per cent – 320,000 new jobs were added – and 2.1 million Australian workers graduated off JobKeeper. In December, consumption was up 4.3 per cent, business investment was up 2.6 per cent. That is its strongest result since 2017.
“Dwelling investment was up 4.1 per cent, its strongest quarterly increase since 2015.”
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