招聘和求职,就找Jobs Victoria维州政府就业项目东区服务点!

招聘和求职,就找Jobs Victoria维州政府就业项目东区服务点!



维州政府特别拨款 $6.194 亿元,推动维州就业服务项目。一方面为就业者做职业规划咨询指导、技能培训、并链接合适的雇主; 同时为雇主提供 $2.5亿元就业服务基金,满足条件,每雇佣一名合格的员工,可以申请$10,000 或 $20,000工资补助(最多20% 等量全职员工,且必须由维州就业服务合作伙伴推荐)

维州多元文化社区服务中心作为维州就业项目合作伙伴之一, 所推荐的员工符合州政府为雇主提供工资补助的审核条件。该项目在墨尔本东南西北都设立了服务点, 并将为华人提供就业服务的办公地点设置在Box Hill, 同时配备了4位能讲中英文的工作人员,为大家提供如下服务:

  • 求职支持

如果您正在寻找工作、失业中、或在工作但是寻求新的职业改变,维多利亚专业职业咨询师将为您提供个人定制化的专业职业指导和建议,协助完善个人求职简历, 帮助你分析职业选项,为您提供相应的工具和培训,建立您的自信以寻求个人发展。

  • 招聘支持


  • 推荐补助申请

如果您的企业正在招聘,我们可以为您推荐申请工资补助, 维州就业基金可以为您每位合格的员工提供最高$10,000 $20,000 的工资补助,最高限额20%的雇员的等量全职员工。

欲了解详情,敬请致电或短信 澳州多元文化社区服务机构就业专员:

📞0459 944 338 (杨华,周三、四、五)

📞0499 239 559 (姜辉,周四、五)

📞0460 406 841 (苏俊希,周一至周五)

📞0459 946 632(NiLu,周一至周二)



Suite 4, Professional Suites, Box Hill Central, 1 Main Street, Box Hill, VIC 3128 (博士山购物中心大食代左侧电梯楼上)

浏览最新招聘职位,终有一个岗位适合您, 请点击 这里。。。

招聘和求职,就找Jobs Victoria维州政府就业项目东区服务点!

Jobs Victoria Employment Services partner

AMCS Eastern Center

Bridge communications between employers and job seekers in Victoria; help employers to find the right employees; find the right position for job seekers, all for FREE! 

The Victorian Government has earmarked $619.4 million to launch the Jobs Victorian Employment Services (JVES) Program. On the one hand, for the employment of career planning counselling guidance, skills training, and link the right employers; At the same time, the $250 million Employment Services Fund is provided to employers to meet the conditions and each employee employed can apply for a $10,000 or $20,000 salary subsidy (up to 20% of full-time employees of equal capacity and must be recommended by the JVES Partners).

Australian Multicultural Community Service (AMCS), as one of the JVES partner, has set up service points in Melbourne’s East, South, West, and North suburbs, with the East service point in Box Hill and four Chinese-English bilingual speaking staff to provide you with the following services:

Job search support

If you are looking for a job, unemployment, or want a new career change at work, our professional career consultants will provide you with customized professional career guidance and advice to help you analyse career options, polish your personal CV, provide you with the tools and training to build your self-confidence for personal development.

Recruitment Support

AMCS organizations for enterprises to launch free job ads, looking for suitable candidates to suit the needs of the company. Based on the skills and experience of the employees required by the enterprise, qualified workers in the nearest region will be screened – saving time, money and effort.

Referral Grant Application

If your business is hiring, the Victoria Employment Fund can provide you with a salary subside of $10,000 or 20,000 for each eligible employee, up to a maximum of 20% of employees’ equivalent full-time employees. 

For more information, please call Jobs Victoria Mentor:

📞0459 944 338 (Yang Hua, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

📞0499 239 559 (Jiang Hui, Thursday, Friday)

📞0460 406 841 (Su Junxi, Monday to Friday)

📞0459 946 632(NiLu,Monday to Tuesday)

(Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)


Suite 4, Professional Suites, Box Hill Central, 1 Main Street, Box Hill, VIC 3128


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