


作者   金古羽









附上本信的网络帮助翻译的参考英文译文。Attached is a reference English translation of this letter using the Internet.

Please help me pass on this second letter from @Musk:To ensure safety, humans must first ensure that they know the truth when something happens, and this can only be achieved from a cosmic perspective

——I entrust my friend to forward this letter to the world

Author Jin Guyu

This letter mainly constructs from the perspective of the bottom-level social cooperation structure of human civilization, and briefly explains how human civilization can get out of the current low-lying swamp-like struggle and mutual fighting trap.

Human society has never learned to accurately identify and distinguish the truth from falsehood of things when encountering them, so it is unable to distinguish right from wrong, leading to constant disputes.When humans explored ways to solve problems in life, the ability to cooperate by utilizing cosmic energy they created instead expanded the energy that was created by conflicts and that was destructive to life.Therefore, when the energy created by humans is enough to destroy all of humanity in an instant, if we do not first solve the historical problem that humans cannot accurately determine the truth or falsehood when encountering something, the process of humanity being completely destroyed at any time will continue to accelerate.This is obvious.Therefore, the most terrifying phenomenon in the history of human civilization is that every technological advancement also brings disaster to human life.The more technological energy humans use, the greater the threat to human life and survival.@Musk, in your interview with Nicola Tangen on April 9, 2024, you said: “If you don’t make AI as real as possible, it will fall behind, and that’s the danger.”The essence of this answer is the major issue that all mankind should pay the utmost attention to.The more human technology develops, the more it will bring greater crises to humanity. At a time when the Third World War may break out at any time, this crisis is a crisis of life and death for the entire human race.The birth of artificial intelligence will inevitably accelerate the process of this crisis, which is very clear just from the control of nuclear weapons.The nuclear button that triggers the extinction of mankind is controlled by a very small number of people, and it will soon evolve into a button that anyone can control.Not to mention the other unpredictable crises that may arise from the improvement of artificial intelligence’s ability to combine the energy of human society…Therefore, completely resolving the crisis of life and death of mankind that has become completely out of control is actually the biggest problem that mankind cannot delay any longer and must face first.And this problem, in simple terms, is the safety bottom line issue raised by Musk.The direction and standpoint for solving this problem are obviously the same as what Musk proposed: how to ensure that humans have the ability to quickly and simply determine the truth of various matters they encounter.

Human beings themselves, their behaviors, and the social cooperation they form produce human civilization phenomena, which, like all things in this world and the stars in the universe, are energy deduction patterns formed by the combination of cosmic energy movement programs.Therefore, the safety bottom line of its existence and sustainability is the safety bottom line of any human behavior.By examining what we see based on this safety bottom line deductive law and positioning ourselves according to this deductive law, we can simplify and clarify the path and law of energy deductive transformation.It is the most scientific method that humans can use to ensure the simplest possible determination of the truth of all matters they encounter.Therefore, if humans want to stay safe, they should first ensure the truth, which can only be done from the perspective of the interpretation of cosmic energy.

I am eager to speak out and ask Musk to help me convey to the world the message that humans can solve the above-mentioned top life and death issues.The main basis is that the bottom-line safety law of the deduction of cosmic energy is actually the essential law of the universe, and it is the primary issue that the essence of all phenomena in the entire universe and time and space are completely identical.I see that the results achieved by mankind in exploring the laws of cosmic and natural sciences have already presented the above answers to all of humanity.It is only because humans have begun to explore the world for the first time that they always start from the appearances presented by the deduction of cosmic energy.Humans have always been accustomed to positioning value judgments from the perspective of the deduction of cosmic energy, forming various logical Thinking Model that are messy as the deduction of cosmic energy changes.Therefore, we neglect to examine and reconstruct the Thinking Model from the perspective of the essence of the universe in accordance with the deductive laws of the essence of the universe.As a result, no one has yet realized the existence of a Thinking Model that directly dominates the human behavior mechanism, a combination of cosmic energy movement programs and cooperative models.Even though the essential laws of cosmic energy deduction force humans to strictly follow the perspective of the essence of the universe in order to succeed when exploring nature, humans are still confined to the inertia of primary Thinking Model and do not realize that all phenomena in the entire universe and all time and space must be completely identical in order to coexist in the same first principle of cosmic energy deduction interface.The inertia of the Thinking Model constructed based on the above-mentioned primary human values ​​has always been completely opposite to the value orientation of the deduction of the essence of cosmic energy. Therefore, human beings actually think about how to construct a safety bottom line based on the laws of the deduction of the essence of the universe. Every day, they actually hold this bottom line in their hands and think about it, but they often use it in the opposite direction. Therefore, every time they create the results of civilization, they mess it up during use.In view of this, I have posted the article I wrote to solve this fundamental problem online《The only scientific rein for human beings to control everything is  The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that runs through the interpretation of cosmic energy throughout time and space》(《人类畅控万事的唯一科学缰绳是贯通宇宙能量全时空演绎的程序定质规律》——Search the entire web for this title to read).Explain what is the underlying law of the universe’s essence, namely The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws,and believe that this is the truth of everything that humanity faces.Based on this law, mankind can completely solve the bottom line security problem of sustainable development of human society.Now we need to invite everyone to participate in identifying this discovery.If we view human social cooperation from this perspective as a combination of cosmic energy cooperation, we can see the main logical structure linear path of human social cooperation in the simplest and clearest way:Genetic programming structure plus acquired social and cultural consciousness ecological information modification→Personal value stance→Personal Thinking Model(A programmed computer mechanism combination of habitual digestion and analysis of information)→Combining social and cultural consciousness ecology in social cooperation→Nourishes personal Thinking Model and generates judgments on specific matters, i.e., ideas or thoughts→The mechanism of cooperative behavior in human society→Human social cooperation model→The essential energy of social cooperation is the manifestation of the achievements of the civilization model(Including its stability and sustainability)→It gradually transforms into the programmed structure of human genes and presents the physical inheritance of the basic structure of  Thinking Model.This is the main programmed path of the internal energy movement process of human civilization, which is comprehensive but not closed-loop.

Therefore, the renewal of human civilization mainly starts from the fact that human’s cognition of the object of exploration affects people’s value stance, thus causing the human civilization model to gradually undergo deductive changes.In social cooperation, what directly influences human thoughts and behaviors is the cultural consciousness ecology of the entire society.The lever for changing the social and cultural consciousness ecology is the formation of a new Thinking Model after new cognition changes the value stance.Thinking Model , a programmed cooperative combination of cosmic energy, produce ideas, thoughts and behaviors through the social and cultural consciousness ecology, and determine the behavioral mechanism of society.This further determines the social cooperation model——That is, the social cooperation system and institutions that humans often talk about and mistakenly believe are the essential starting point of human social cooperation civilization.Therefore, in essence, human Thinking Model are the essential determining factors in building the level of social cooperation and civilization.

This letter can only simply summarize the direction of human development as follows:In order to completely resolve all kinds of cooperation obstructions, disasters, misfortunes, and chaos in human society and live and develop happily and safely, human beings must stand from the perspective of the universe to understand the most basic deductive laws of the combination and cooperation links of the universe’s energy movement program, so as to obtain the ability to simplify and judge the truth of all energy deductions.From this we know how to build a bottom line of security for mankind and its civilization:Grasp the procedures, create models, and seek balance.The realization of this goal, at present, must be achieved through the recognition of the qualitative laws of the process, thereby adjusting the value position to stand on the process resources rather than the entity value resources(To deduce, you need to start from understanding my article.).Then, we will create a brand new Thinking Model for the entire human race, and on this basis, build a complete human social cooperation cultural consciousness ecology that conforms to the laws of the essence of the universe.Only then can the entire human society get out of the current low-level civilization historical trap of confused jungle infighting and embark on the broad road of scientific, harmonious cooperation and sustainable development for all mankind.

Scientific and technological achievements are the products of ideas, ideas are the products of Thinking Model, and the stability of Thinking Model and the development of energy cooperation depend on the social cooperation, cultural consciousness ecology.The seeds of all new scientific ideas originate from natural philosophical thinking that comes from adjusting the perspective of looking at problems and gaining new understanding.Therefore, if we focus on technology to save humanity, humanity will not be able to escape the historical trap of struggling to live in the low-lying swamp state of civilization.Therefore, we once again urgently call on the elites of all mankind to pay close attention and call on Musk to provide assistance in quickly conveying this most important information to the elites of all mankind.

A simple common sense is that the universe and the history of human civilization have proven that only through cooperation can humans achieve a better future.Don’t let the pain of breaking the cooperative link often come from not learning how to cooperate sustainably, or blame it on the fact that everything is caused by the joint cooperation, or mistakenly believe that struggle is the way to promote human civilization…All of these are actually because humans use the mindset of driving an ox cart to fly an airplane, which of course makes it easy to crash the plane. However, due to humans’ lack of knowledge, they mistakenly believe that driving an ox cart is safe, thus deriving this wrong concept.In the vast ocean of cosmic energy, human beings and their civilization are just a drop in the ocean and are extremely fragile.Therefore, mankind needs to learn to cooperate scientifically, harmoniously and sustainably as soon as possible to ensure that everyone who comes into the world can live a smooth, safe and happy life.Once humanity learns to cooperate scientifically, harmoniously and sustainably, the wonderful energy it brings will be far beyond the level of exponential growth.Therefore, human civilization has the hope of becoming a cosmic civilization.Therefore, mankind should be clear that human beings and their human civilization are produced from the cooperative combination of the cosmic energy movement program. We should start from the cosmic energy movement program, that is, from the bottom of the human social cooperation structure. Clarifying the human social cooperation framework and its deductive mechanism is a top priority that all mankind must solve.





    2024-7-5 19:43:59



    2024-7-7 17:50:14

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