<!-- image --><figure><img width="696" height="522" class="entry-thumb td-modal-image" src="//news.china.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/20201221214914-5fe07daa02827.jpg" alt="" title="rabit cookie _cover" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Catherine Zhang 为2019《Zumbo's Just Desserts》冠军得主</figcaption></figure>
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配料 Ingredients:
● 1/2 杯糖
1/2 cup sugar
● 1/3 杯植物油
1/3 cup vegetable oil
● 1 杯去皮的烤花生
1 cup roasted and skinned peanuts
● 1 杯面粉
1 cup plain flour
装饰材料 Decoration:
● 花生切成两半(耳朵)
Peanuts, halved for ears
● 黑芝蔴(眼睛)
Black sesame seeds, for eyes
● 樱桃茎(尾巴)
Cherry stems, for tails
● 粉红色食用色素

制作 Method:
1、将烤箱预热至摄氏180 度
Preheat the oven to 180 ℃
Using a food processor, blend the roasted peanuts until a fine crumb
Add the flour and sugar and blend again until combined
While the food processor is running slowly pour in the vegetable oil, stopping when the dough begins to hold together
Pick up a little of the dough and try to shape it into a ball, if it crumbles add a little more oil and continue to knead until the dough can form a smooth ball
Line a baking sheet with baking paper
7、将面团分成15 份,搓成水滴状
Shape the dough into 15 teardrop shaped pieces
Stick two half peanuts into the dough to create ears, two sesame seeds to the face to create eyes, and the stem of the cherry for the tail
9、在烤箱中烘烤15-20 分钟或直到变成金黄色
Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown
Remove and cool
Store in an airtight container


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